Event Details

VEDP Advisory Committee on International Trade Meeting - Electronic Meeting

May 10, 2021 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

This will be an electronic Microsoft Teams Meeting due to COVID-19. Discussion will focus on international trade and trade promotion pertaining to the Virginia Economic Development Partnership. The agenda and materials for this meeting can be accessed using the following link: https://www.vedp.org/advisory-committee-international-trade The link to join the meeting is: : https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NTUxY2E2OWYtYWVjOS00YzVmLWEwMDktM2ZjYTEzNzg1ZGEz%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%228a0e7531-20dc-49a7-b88e-b68840ca4168%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22f7a4e8df-24d6-41e8-a572-5a9863abff6f%22%7d  

Sponsored by Virginia Economic Dev Partnership

  • Handicap Accessible
  • Deaf Interpreter Available Upon Request



Join Microsoft Teams Meeting: +1.804.223.1738 - U.S. (Toll) or 833.280.8368 - U.S (Toll-free) Conference ID: 466 543 334# For technical support contact: Lindsey Bertozzi at 804.393.0290 or lbertozzi@vedp.org

Get Directions


Carolyn Elliott

Assistant to the Vice President International Trade, VEDP

Email: celliott@vedp.org
Tel: (804) 545-5750

901 East Cary Street
Suite 900
Richmond, VA 23219