Event Details

2024-2025 Combined MHBG/SUPTRS Block Grants Application Public Hearing

Aug 27, 2024 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_OWMyOWUyYTEtMWJmZC00Yzk3LWE0ZjgtOTA5NjdhYzZhOTUz%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22620ae5a9-4ec1-4fa0-8641-5d9f386c7309%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2212a49889-ec47-48c2-a863-dd3081337d0b%22%7d Meeting ID: 240 413 547 403 Passcode: Nb9kTP In compliance with Title XIX, Subpart III, section 1941 of the PHS Act (42 U.S.C. ยง 300x-51), which requires as a condition of the funding agreement for the grant, states will provide an opportunity for the public to comment on the state block grant plan. States should make the plan public in such a manner as to facilitate comment from any person (including federal, tribal, or other public agencies) both during the development of the plan (including any revisions) and after the submission of the plan to SAMHSA.  

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  • Handicap Accessible
  • Deaf Interpreter Unavailable



6641 West Broad Street Suite 102
Richmond, VA 23230
When you arrive at the building, please let the front desk / security know that you are here for a meeting in the VACSB offices, Suite 102.

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Nathanael Rudney

State Block Grant Planner

Email: nathanael.rudney@dbhds.virginia.gov
Tel: (804) 944-1037

, VA